Join RenegadeEnsemble for a special music performance with German sound artist Robert Stokowy.
From the artist's website: "[Coffee Rings] consists of relief prints that were produced by the artist. Following a written score, specifically framed for the production of this series, monotypes were made as part of an ongoing research process. I investigated the sonic potential of forms that result from indetermined production. The visual artifact becomes a silent sonic piece while it also can be read and interpreted as a visual score for further productions (sound installations, performances in dance & sound). Here the circularity of the score is used as a chance to entering [german: eindringen - to get through, to reach, to urge] the form in order to explore its structure's inner details."
Featuring performers from RenegadeEnsemble:
Joshua Weinberg, flutes
Matt Clark, percussion/electronics
Michael Betz, synthesizer
6:30 pm Coffee Talk
7:00 pm Performance
8:00 pm Social Hour/Discussion
Robert's prints will be available for sale at the event. More information about his work can be found at
Coffee generously donated by SIP Coffeebar in NE Minneapolis. More info at